Henpecked Husband
How, hey! It is non les:
I dar not seyn quan che sey 'Pes!'
Yyng men, I warne you euerychon:
Elde wywys tak ye non,
For I myself haue on at home;
I dar not seyn quan che seyght,'Pes!'
Quan I cum fro the plow at non,
In a reuen dych myn mete is don;
I dar not askyn our dame a spon;
I dar not [seyn quan che seyght, 'Pes!'
If I aske our dame bred,
Che takyt a staf and brekit myn hed
And doth me rennyn unde the led;
I dar not [seyn quan che seyght, 'Pes!']
If I aske our dame fleych,
Che brekit myn hed with a dych:
'Boy, thou art not worght a reych!'
I dar [not seyn quan che seyght, 'Pes!']
If I aske our dame chese,
'Boy,' che seyght, al at ese,
'Thou art not worght half a pese.'
I dar not sey quan che seyght, 'Pes!'
Source: Greene
| Translated
Poem |