ELDORADO Pop. 2,236 Alt. 2,41 0


Seat of Schiekher County, established in 1895. In the beautiful scenic, rugged Hill Country of West Central Texas, this small city is center for oil field service and supply firms, and is headquarters for large ranching area, especially sheep and goats. El Dorado Woolens is the only woolen mill in the entire Southwest weaving fabrics from virgin wool and mohair produced on West Texas ranches. Heavy concentration of white-tailed deer makes entire county popular with hunters each fall and winter.

Schleicher County Museum-

Vintage room settings, kitchen and household utensils, rustic farm and home furniture, saddles, branding irons, and barbed wire. Open Mon., Wed., Fri. in summer. U.S. 190 just east of U,S. 77.



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