Jacksonville Pop. 13,008 Alt. 516
General - Was a post office community before 1849, but moved three miles to present site when International-Great Northern Railroad was built in 1872. During the 1930's and '40's the city was known as the "tomato capital" when more tomatoes were shipped from here than any other city. Each September the city celebrates Tomato Fest honoring the once important crop.

More than 60 diversified manufacturing firms are located here, many associated with plastic, wood, and air conditioning coils and condensers.

Home of Baptist Missionary Assoc. theological seminary, Jacksonville college, and Lon Morris College.

Two factory-direct stores are popular with shoppers.

Herring's Wildlife Park - park features exotic deer, aoudad sheep, zebras, and many other animals roaming freely on the range. Petting zoo. Drive-through or guided tours. Open daily 9 a.m. - dusk. Approximately 14 miles south of Jacksonville. Take Texas 204 to F.M. 2274, left to Country Rd. 4905. Admission. 903/683-5358.

Killough Monument - No, it isn’t Vail, Lake Tahoe or sun valley, but it is snow skiing in Texas. An artificial ski slope offers skiing, sledding and other activities Oct. - mar. Boots and skis furnished; reservations required for skiing. Ski lessons available. There’s also a water slide and a tubing ride for summer months (June - Sept.). Mountain bikers can ride 15 - 20 miles on trails year round. Observation area has 35-mile view of East Texas hills, Camping facilities available with hookups.

First Monday Trades Day offers all sorts of wares, antiques, and collectibles. Four miles north of Jacksonville on U.S. 69 near Love’s Lookout. Open Fri. - Sun. noon - 6 p.m. Admission. For information call 903/586-2644.

Love's Lookout Park - view is breathtaking; picnicking. Five miles north on U.S. 69.

Scenic Drives - Beautiful hill, forest and lake scenery both north and south on U.S. 69; also along F.M. 747 and F.M. 2138 (neither road shown on maps) around Lake Jacksonville.

Vanishing Texana - Museum in Jacksonville Public Library displays Cherokee county historical items. Open Mon. & Thurs. noon - 8 p.m.; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. U.S. 69 (Jackson Street) at Nacodoches St.



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