Entrance and Exit
The enchantment of Mexico is but a
bridge away from much of Texas. Visitors find Mexican
shops and markets colorful and fascinating, filled with a
variety of gift, handicraft and art items at attractive
prices. The people of Mexico are gracious and friendly.
Border crossing is easy and simple;
there are no fees other than for auto insurance or
special permits such as hunting and fishing licenses,
bridge tolls, and U.S. Customs duties as necessary.
General Travel Information-
U.S, citizens must carry proof of
citizenship when crossing into Mexico. Officials of the
National Immigration Institute, posted at border entry
points, require a passport, birth certificate, voter
registration card, or any other document that proves
citizenship. This is a change from the past. The law
applies to all border cities, and is an attempt to
implement uniform immigration laws on both northern and
southern borders.
On returning to Texas from Mexico,
a stop at U.S. customs is required, stating nationality
and declaring Mexican purchases.
A Mexican tourist card is required
for visiting Mexico beyond the border cities, or for
stays longer than 72 hours. The free tourist cards are
available from Mexican immigration authorities at the
border and also at Mexican consulates and Mexican
government tourist offices in the US. A birth certificate
or other proof of US citizenship, such as voter
registration, military ID showing place of birth, or
passport is required to obtain the tourist card.
Canadian citizens who visit Mexico
from Texas should have a passport or birth certificate.
Other foreign nationals should have a passport and
appropriate visas both for entering Mexico and returning
to the U.S.
Driving Into Mexico
An automobile permit is required
when driving into the interior of Mexico beyond the
border cities. The permits, good for up to 180 days, may
be obtained at the border after the tourist card has been
stamped by Mexican immigration officials. A $10 fee must
be paid by the vehicle’s owner using a major credit
card on whose face the word "bank" appears.
Vehicle Title of Ownership is required. If the vehicle
owner is not in the party, written permission from the
owner for a specific time period must be presented. The
individual to whom the car permit is issued will have his
tourist card stamped to that effect, and it is mandatory
that he accompany the auto and surrender the permit upon
leaving Mexico.
Auto tourists must stop at
Mexico’s Federal Inspection Points located on all
principal highways to the interior, usually about 12
miles from the border. There the auto permit must be
presented for inspection, and baggage inspection may also
be required.
Mexican Auto Insurance
According to Mexican civil
statutes, it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle in
Mexico without auto mobile insurance issued by a Mexican
insurance company. In the past, most U.S. insurance
companies offered provisions to adjust claims arising
from auto accidents in the immediate border cities of
Mexico (Endorsement 74). Although that endorsement may
still be carried on U.S. policies, Mexican authorities no
longer recognize it, and their law is explicit: Drivers must be covered
by Mexican insurance. Auto
accidents are considered criminal offenses in Mexico, and
regardless of fault, involved vehicles are usually
Short-term Mexican auto insurance
is available from numerous agencies and travel services
on the Texas side of the border.
Returning to the U.S.
Each U.S. citizen may bring back
Mexican purchases valued to $400 retail, duty free every
30 days. Federal duty fees will be assessed on the value
of articles above the $400 exemption. NOTE: many items of
Mexican manufacture, such as handicrafts and jewelry, may
qualify for exemption above the $400 limit; ask for GSP
brochure on special exemptions from U.S. Customs and shop
till you drop!
Federal Law permits only one liter
of duty-free alcoholic beverages to be brought back by
each adult U.S. citizen each 30 days. Alcoholic beverages
in excess of the limit are subject to duty and internal
revenue tax. In addition, Texas law requires a state tax
on all alcoholic beverages brought in from Mexico.
Foreign-Made Articles Taken Into
Foreign-made articles such as
cameras, watches and jewelry previously acquired in the
U.S. or elsewhere, should be registered with U.S. Customs
before entering Mexico. Without proof of prior
possession, such articles may be dutiable when brought
back into the U.S.
Mexican Currency
Visitors to Mexico border cities
will seldom need Mexican currency. U.S. dollars are
readily accepted at the current exchange rate. Mexican
banks, large hotels / motels and tourist service
facilities provide currency exchange if needed.
Both Mexico and the U.S. enforce
rather stringent regulations about animal pets, and many
visitors to Mexico find it more convenient to leave pets
at veterinary boarding facilities in Texas border cities.
For pets taken into Mexico and returned to the U.S.,
owners must present a rabies vaccination certificate
dated not less than one month nor more than 12 months
previously, and International health Certificate (form
77-043) signed by a veterinarian stamped (fee $20) at the
border or at the Mexican consulate where tourist cards
are obtained.
Prohibited Imports
Upon entering the U.S. from Mexico,
certain articles are either prohibited or subject to
various quarantines, limitations or special permit
requirements. Those articles include all narcotics or
drugs, weapons, certain trademarked articles, most
fruits, vegetables, plants, animals, birds and meats, and
products made from the hides, shells, feathers, or teeth
of endangered species. If you are unsure of regulations
governing the import of a wildlife product, check with
local authorities of U.S. Embassy before making a
purchase. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of
Law Enforcement, P.O. box 28006, 23rd St., NW,
Washington, DC 20037, can provide information.
Hunting and Fishing In Mexico
Mexican authorities must be
contacted for current regulations, hunting and fishing
licenses, and procedures for taking in firearms and
ammunition. Any game legally killed in Mexico may be
brought back into Texas, but it must be accompanied by a
statement, issued by U.S. Customs at the border, that the
dead animal originated in Mexico. There are no
restrictions on bringing fish caught in Mexico into
Texas, but they must be declared at the Texas port of
The above information is only a
general summary of primary travel regulations between the
U.S, and Mexico. For further details or significant
changes that may have been effected since this printing,
contact the immigration and customs authorities of the
appropriate country.